local food business

Through the work of Lynn Grows, we hope to build a win-win local and healthy food system that encourages small business development, economic growth, and supports the sale of local, affordable produce for Lynn residents. We plan to do this through the following activities: 

Develop and launch a food incubator/area in Lynn that local food business entrepreneurs can utilize as a resource for training, facility space, and mentoring while supporting local produce sales.

  • Identify potential funding sources, strategic partners and space

  • Begin multi-year planning process for implementation

  • Research and pursue rezoning opportunities

Develop a campaign to promote local produce sales at a diverse range of existing and new local businesses (restaurants, bodegas, grocery stores, etc.)

  • Identify what “local food/healthy options” means, using other city models as a point of reference

  • Create branding for participating businesses

  • Develop financial and other types of incentives for local business participation (HIP funding, partnership/collaborative purchasing, streamlined distribution, tax incentives, etc.)

  • Engage with relevant company and policy making stakeholders in the city around potential campaign alignment

  • Build awareness of and demand for more local food/healthy options through various marketing campaigns